Super Hero for Jesus

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Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. 1. Chronicles 29,12 (ESV)

We live in Uganda and have 3 children 4, 8 and 10. Culturally, one thinks here that children can watch almost anything on television and without any time limit. Unfortunately, I couldn’t always control what and how much my son (4.5 years) watched on TV. At the neighbors‘ house, he could see what he wanted and how much he wanted. These included Spider Man, Super Man, Lady Bug and other superheroes. I find some of them just too imaginative and also frightening.

Now the little man prays several times a day to become one of these superheroes. At first I wasn’t that enthusiastic about it. But then the idea came to me: Super Hero for Jesus. Because what do all these heroes have in common: they save. And striving to be someone who saves is actually a great thing. And the great thing is, we know the real superhero and can pass that on to our kids.

So I started talking to him about it … if he can still have superhero costumes, he thinks it’s good to be a superhero for Jesus. Jesus is the strongest superhero. The only one who is really omnipotent. Just like these superheroes, Jesus is never late and he never fails. He has supernatural powers. Jesus defeated all evil forces forever.

We then talked about how those who do not know Jesus are lost forever. So you can be a savior if you talk about the savior of the world.
You can also save if you give food to the poor, pray for the sick or demon-possessed, give love to injured souls, etc.

The latter finally reminded me that we can also be super moms for Jesus. Simply because we know Jesus and can pass it on to our children.

My mom is not saved to this day. And I still have an incredible number of lies within me today. Although I’m actually saved. Unfortunately, I often fail and pass them on to my children. I have to let Jesus, as my super hero, touch my heart again. Because I want to protect my children from unnecessary injuries. Of course I will never be perfect. But I can get closer and closer to it through my savior / superhero. Even if I utter a lie about my children, I can afterwards restore the truth and tell my child his identity in Jesus. And the best thing is, we don’t have to do all of this on our own. We have perfect love, patience, grace, and the power of Jesus at our disposal. We just have to reach for it.

Creative idea:
Drive around a body or paint a superhero and think together what makes a superhero for Jesus. You can also watch superheroes like Simson together.

Author: Judith Yawe

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