I am ransomed

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Those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will rule in life through Jesus Christ. (according to Rom. 5, 17)

If you believe and do not doubt, then you will say to this mountain: Raise yourself and sink yourself into the sea! And it will happen. Ask in prayer, believe that you will get it. (according to Matth. 21,21)

I can say: I don’t want to be afraid, the Lord is my helper, what can a person do to me? (according to Hebr. 13,5 / Psalm 118,6)

A sensible person can control his emotions. (according to Proverbs 19:11)

No piece of advice is more important than this: Pay attention to your thoughts and feelings, they affect your whole life! (according to Proverbs 4:23)

Peter asks: „What about us? We have given up everything for you, what do we get for it?“ Jesus answers: „You should know that, said Jesus, when I sit on the throne of glory and will rule over God’s new world, you will also rule and judge. Whoever follows me and therefore his house, his brothers and sisters, his parents, his spouse, his children or a property leaves behind, all of this will be received back a hundredfold and received eternal life. Then those who have great names now will be insignificant. And among the first will be those who are the last today. (according to Matth. 19, 27-30)

Lord I just need you! I want to hope in you. You are good to someone who trusts you and seeks you with all their heart. Your goodness Lord has no end, your mercy never ends, it’s new every morning. (according to Lamentations 3, 22-25)

Can anyone dare to accuse God’s elect? No, nobody, because God himself absolved them of all guilt (according to Rom. 8,33)

He pinned my mortgage note to the cross, threw it away, canceled it, with every claim that was against us. (according to Col.2,14)

Christ, ignorant of sin, was made sin for us that we might become God’s righteousness in him. (according to 2 Cor.5,21)

Through the disobedience of one person we were placed in the position of sinners, so now through the obedience of the one, Christ, we are placed in the position of righteous. (according to Rom.5, 19)

God has reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. (according to 2.Cor.5,18)

God gave us his spirit. He ransomed us and acquired us as his property, we no longer belong to ourselves. (according to 1. Cor.6,19-20)

One day we will partake of God’s glory. We do not have this hope for nothing, it fills us with joy and pride. God has filled our hearts with his love through his Holy Spirit, whom he gave us (according to Rom. 5, 2 + 5)

Through Jesus‘ sacrificial death we are sanctified, once and for all, that is his will. (according to Hebr. 10,10)

He made those who are sanctified perfect forever with his sacrifice (according to Hebrews 10,14)

Direct your mind not on the earthly, but on the heavenly. We died and our life is hidden with Christ in God (according to Col.3,1-3)

In God’s eyes we were dead because of our sins, but with Christ he gave us new life because he loved us so much. We owe this to God’s grace alone. (according to Eph.2,4)

The old has passed, the new has become. A new creation is he who is in Christ. (according to 2. Cor.5,17)

And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they shall reign on the earth.” (Revelation 5,9-10 – ESV)

Author: Gabriele Waechter
Image: https://pixabay.com/de

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