Parable of the fourfold soil


The four different floors can be viewed as a picture for our heart. God's Word is the seed that falls into our hearts.
  • Parts fall on good soil, it grows and bears much fruit.
  • Parts fall the hard way, and Satan steals it all straight away, as my heart has become hard and impenetrable in places because of men trampling on him.
  • Parts fall onto stony ground where there is little depth and roots can hardly grow. There are stones in my life that prevent me from becoming spiritually mature and mature... without maturity, faith cannot withstand the storms of life.
  • Parts fall under thorns, which can symbolize curses and bonds

1. The path

Seeds cannot penetrate and grow on hard ground. There are areas in our hearts where there are hardenings. Through our experiences we make decisions and develop certain thought patterns, which in turn influence our decisions. It's like a network of trails.

It is very difficult to take new paths and these paths do not simply grow back because we constantly think/feel in these ways.

Experience in my subjective perception and feeling -> a thought comes and I then make a decision -> if things repeat that reinforce my decision, a stronghold of thoughts arises that will determine my view and perception in the future. 

Where there is a stronghold and is not recognized as such, I no longer hear unfiltered and therefore the truth no longer penetrates my heart. I believe lies and allow myself to be robbed of the truth.

Breaking through entrenched thought patterns and learning to think in new ways is possible with God's help.

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh.
For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (ESV)

2. The stones

There are things about each of us that are not under the full control of Jesus. In my everyday life it happens again and again that I don't live according to God's principles. These stones are there. Some I'm aware of, some I'm not.

The central question is: How do I deal with it and what effects do these stones have in my life?

Satan deliberately uses these things and makes loud accusations against us. He likes to combine these things with lies to make it even more powerful. You do not keep the Sabbath, you do not love your neighbor, you have cheated, you...

I am entitled to sit in the dock. But through Jesus' death, in the middle of the courtroom stands the cross on which all debts have been paid. Do I accept what he has done for me? Do I let Jesus do my defense and focus on the cross and no longer on the accuser.

My task is not to take on self-defense - because that is a hopeless undertaking - but rather to turn and repent and thereby accept the cross for myself personally.

3. The thorns

Briars represent the worries of the world, the temptations of wealth, and desires. But in some places in the Bible they are also equated with curses (Genesis 3, the cursed ground).

Curse represents destructive forces/travails/bonds that prevent us from moving forward. View of the cross: Jesus wears a crown of thorns, he died on the cross for all my curses.

God gave us free will and therefore the ability to choose. Back then in the Garden of Eden through the tree of knowledge, but also today in our everyday lives. Every day I have to decide whether I trust God or myself.
Sehr anschaulich ist die Geschichte in 5. Mo 27+28, wo Gott seinem Volk deutlich aufzeigt, dass sie zwischen Segen und Fluch wählen können.

Unfortunately, it is often the case that thorns grow in our lives that come from the generations before us. This is also a biblical principle that decisions/actions of our parents/grandparents etc. have an impact on our lives. Here it is not our own seed, but the seed of those who lived before us and who overshadow/oppress our lives... (Ex. Korah and his family Numbers 16)

The cross is the place where every curse was broken. Bring everything to Jesus on the cross and see how he breaks the curse and lets his blessings flow. We experience forgiveness for our sins and healing for our illnesses in body, soul and spirit, even if not always immediately.

Experienced rejection turns into acceptance and our shame is replaced with honor because we are allowed to take God's children for ourselves.

4. Supernatural Fruit

 And other seeds fell into good soil and produced grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold..
Mark 4:8  (ESV)

The principle of supernatural blessing is well illustrated using the example of Abraham. It was said about him: I will bless you and you shall be a blessing. 

The LORD said to Abram, “Go away from your land, leave your home and your relatives, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you the father of a great people and do you many good things; your name will be famous everywhere. Through you, other people will also share in the blessing. I will bless whoever wishes you good. But whoever wishes you harm, I will curse him! All the nations of the earth will be blessed through you." Gen. 12:1-3

What makes up his life?

Let yourself be called - into the following of Jesus

Break with destructive things - Abraham was called out of his homeland (his father made idols)

Take your mandate -> I am a child of God. I am light and bringer seed, I speak what God has said about me.

Author: Hans-Dieter Allgaier

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