I belong to him

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It does not matter whether we are Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, men or women: in Christ we are all equal, one in him. Because we belong to Christ, we are the true descendants of Abraham, his heirs, God’s promises to him also apply to us. (according to Gal. 3:28 + 29)

No matter if man or woman, young or old, poor or rich. I am somebody. I am someone in Christ. An inheritance, an inheritance of Abraham’s blessings, and God’s promises are mine too, fully. I am made in the image of God. A child of light. I am the daughter, the son of the Most High. I belong to the family of God. I am Jesus ‚brother, Jesus‘ sister. I am grafted in like a branch in the trunk. I am accepted. I am one of them. I am God’s housemate. And Jesus‘ friend and in training with him.

I am a citizen in God’s new kingdom. I have the civil rights of heaven. I am a co-heir of Jesus and I inherit his glory. I testify of his redemption. I am only a visitor to this world for a little while. If you do what I ask you are my friends. A servant doesn’t know what his master is doing. But I told you everything I heard from my father, I call you my friends. (according to Joh. 15,14)

By the power of the Holy Spirit, which you will receive, you will be my witnesses to the limits of the earth. (according to Acts 1,8)

We are sons and daughters of the day, children of light. We no longer belong to the dark, no longer to the night. (according to 1.Thess.5,5)

Therefore we are no longer strangers without citizenship, we belong to God’s family. We are his house, with Jesus himself as the cornerstone. (according to Eph.2,19)

Because Christ gave his life for us we are now accepted by God, therefore we will also be saved from the coming judgment through him. (according to Romans 5,9)

We are branches of a wild olive tree grafted into the noble olive tree against the natural order. (according Romans 11,22-23)

Everything that God gives to his Son belongs to us too. We are his children and also his heirs. If we want to partake of his glory, we must suffer with him too. (according to Romans 8,17)

We have a place in God’s new world, in heaven, because God raised us with Christ Jesus. (according to Eph. 2,6)

This world is not your home. You are strangers and guests. Do not give in to the temptations and offers of this world, which are constantly in conflict with your goodwill, because they damage your soul, it is about your faith. (according to 1.Petr. 2,11)

Author: Gabriele Waechter
Images: https://pixabay.com/de

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