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We will have many encounters in the course of our lives: pleasant, fleeting, short, non-edifying or superficial.

1. God's Word clarifies

A young man came to Jesus with the question: Teacher, what good must I do to receive eternal life? If you want to walk the path that leads to life, follow his commandments. Which one? The man asked, and Jesus answered:
  • You should not kill!
  • You shall not commit adultery!
  • You shall not steal!
  • Don't say anything untrue about your fellow human beings!
  • Honor your father and your mother
  • Love your fellow human beings as yourself
The young man's answer: I kept all of that. What am I still missing? Jesus answered: If you want to be perfect, go and sell everything you have and give the money to the poor. By doing this you will gain wealth in heaven that will never be lost. And then come and follow me! When the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he had a great fortune. According to Matthew, 19:16-22. Good question, good answer. Encounter was canceled. There was no relationship.

2. Experience

I had a good classmate who decided to go to church with me. It was a Sunday. We were sitting there listening to God's Word. We sang songs, one called:

Jesus, draw me to the cross, where the spring flows, which pours out so freely for the salvation of sinners.

Refrain: Toward the cross, toward the cross, all my longing go, until I stand triumphant before God's throne. Text: Walter Rauschenbach.

This song touched her so deeply inside that at the end of the service she said to me, from today on I will follow Jesus! Unfortunately, this wonderful encounter remained unrelated. So close yet so far.

3. What is a good relationship?

There are different experiences with human relationships.
  • It can only last if you live in the you.
  • In the Bible it is compared to marriage.
  • She is blessed by mutual give and take.
  • I want you to be well!
  • Together we are stronger.
  • One helps the other.
  • Together doesn't make you lonely.

  4. Encounter->decision->relationship

There is a higher level. It is between God and us humans.

Saul meets Christ. He was on his way to Damascus. He had the authority of the chief priests to torment the people of God. But he doesn't get very far with that. Just outside the city, Saul was surrounded by a blinding light from heaven.

He fell to the ground and heard a voice: Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? Saul asked: Who are you, Lord? I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting! But get up and go to the city, there they will tell you what you should do. From this encounter, Paul chose Jesus and a lifelong relationship followed.

5. The beginning of a permanent relationship

Paulus Worte: 

that I may know him and the power of his resurrection. Philippians 3:10a (ESV)

Getting to know each other better deepens a relationship. This happens through reading God's Word and in prayer. Paul's loyalty and dedication make him an example for us. His mission: Everyone should know who Christ is.

The most important thing: The relationship with Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit is a matter of the heart.

And he answered, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” Luke 10:27 (ESV)

6. Song lyrics: Gitta Leuschner (1988)
 1. The highest thing in my life is: knowing you, Lord! The highest thing in my life is: knowing you, Lord! Knowing you more and more, knowing you more and more.
The highest thing in my life is: knowing you, Lord!

2. The highest thing in my life is: loving you, Lord! The highest thing in my life is: loving you, Lord! Love you more and more, love you more and more. The highest thing in my life is: loving you, Lord!

3. The highest thing in my life is: serving you, Lord! The highest thing in my life is: serving you, Lord! More and more serve you, more and more serve you.
The highest thing in my life is: serving you, Lord!

Author: Edith Waechter
Pictures:  https://pixabay.com/de

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