
Deutsch English We will have many encounters in the course of our lives: pleasant, fleeting, short, non-edifying or superficial. 1. God's Word clarifies A young man came to Jesus with the question: Teacher, what good must I do to receive eternal life? If you want to walk the path that leads to life, follow his commandments. Which one? The man asked, and Jesus answered: You should not kill! You shall not commit adultery! You shall not steal! Don't say anything untrue about your fellow human beings! Honor your father and your mother Love your fellow human beings as yourself The young man's answer: I kept all of that. What am I still missing? Jesus answered: If you want to be perfect, go and sell everything you have and give the money to the poor. By doing this you will gain wealth in heaven that will never be lost. And then come and follow me! When the young man heard this, he went away sad, for he had a great fortune. According to Matthew, 19:16-22....