Advent - who should come?

Advent-arrival-who should come? Who are we waiting for?
About 2,000 years ago, a pregnant woman was waiting for her baby to arrive. But many others were expecting this child’s arrival. Because for centuries people who had a special “wire” to God had announced this special person.
Who was this person that so many were waiting for?
It was God himself who became man. Called Jesus, the Son of God.
But why did the Son of God come to earth when it is so much more comfortable in his heavenly kingdom?
Out of love! God came to this earth as a man because he no longer wanted to live without people. He created people to live with them in an intimate, trusting relationship. You should be his children, his friends.
And we humans?
We were not interested in God and often do not do it today. On the contrary, we want to live our own lives independently and do our own will. Many evil deeds follow from this. We rebel against God, the creator and king of the universe, and have become his enemies. We do not recognize God as God. This attitude towards God and our bad deeds separate us from God forever. This is the worst thing that can happen to a person. But God didn’t want to leave it at that. So it happened that Jesus left all heavenly privileges behind and came to this earth as a human being.
What was he doing here?
Jesus showed us how God is with his life, his actions and his words. He lived a life in total obedience to God and never did anything wrong. He made the sick well, raised the dead, and showed respect and acceptance to those who were despised. No book in the world could believe what he did to make God known to people. But Jesus went further. He had himself tortured and then nailed to a wooden cross. There he died an agonizing death.
Why did he do that?
He underwent all indifference, rebellion and the evil deeds of men and was punished for it in our place. In doing so, he gave us humans the opportunity to reverse our previous path, which leads ever further away from God. We can come back to God if we want to. We don’t have to spend eternity without God (because that’s hell!), But we can belong to him forever and live in his world. He did it out of love! For the love of you and me. But Jesus wouldn’t be God if he stayed dead! His grave was empty three days later. Jesus rose from death. Then he met various people, gave them courage and explained what all this meant. After a few weeks, he returned to heaven. However, he sent his followers the Holy Spirit, who is always with them and helps them to live according to God’s will and to get to know him better.
Who are we waiting for today?
We are waiting for Jesus. He will come back to earth soon. Not as a child in a crib, but as a powerful divine king. We don’t know exactly when, but we do know one thing. It will not be long. How good if you are one of the friends of Jesus, when he comes and not among his enemies.
More about the rapture of Jesus you can find in homepage:
And now?
God loves you infinitely and wishes to be able to embrace you.
What’s your answer? Do you believe what you read. Do you want to recognize God in your life as God (“boss”) and start a life with him?
God respects your decision. But think about it again.
Think about it soon so that everyday life doesn’t get you so wrapped up that you forget it. You can talk to God and ask him to show you if what you read about him is correct. You can read about Jesus in the Bible.
Congratulations! You made the best decision of your life. Share your decision with God (you can just talk to him – loud or soft. He hears you). I beg your pardon for living so long without him. You may also think of one or more evil acts that you have done. Then ask God for forgiveness. Invite God to „live“ in your life through His Holy Spirit and to help you get to know Jesus better. This is the first step in your new way of life.
And what’s next?
You have taken the first step on a wonderful path with Jesus. Now it is important to „stay tuned“ and this is how it works:
- Talk to God. Tell him what concerns you. He will answer you too. Sometimes it takes time for us to learn to recognize his voice.
- Very important! Get the one Bible (preferably a modern translation, e.g. the „New Life Bible“). Read the Bible daily. This is the only way you can get to know Jesus better. The best thing to do is to start with the Gospel of Luke.
- Find people who are also on the way with Jesus. It’s better together!
- Tell others about your new path with Jesus and invite them to come with you.
- If you realize that God wants you to do or not do something in particular, then be obedient. If you read the Bible regularly, you will quickly find out what God likes and what doesn’t. By the way, most things that God doesn’t like are harmful to us anyway ...
Author: Annette Menzel