Halloween festival

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I love parties and I really enjoy celebrating with other people and having fun. But all too quickly we celebrate celebrations because they are a fad, because they are so well done and give the impression of being really cool. But the packaging of a party doesn't really say anything about the effect. Every festival has a reason, whether I believe in it or not. Every celebration has an impact on me.

Do I treat everything I experience and see in a relaxed manner or do I think about what my heart and soul can come into contact with.

What about Halloween now? It seems to be a fun and relaxed festival where you can have a lot of fun. However, some claim it is dangerous. Isn't it all a bit exaggerated? But I want to think about what I come into contact with.

There are claims that Halloween is a purely evil festival with demonic origins. What's behind it?

In order to get to the source, we first have to understand that demons exist.

There is a spiritual world and a visible world. This also includes demons, ghosts, angels, Holy Spirit, God, Satan etc.

Whether we believe in it or not. Their existence does not depend on whether I believe in it or understand it.

The origin of Halloween

Where does Halloween come from? According to Celtic tradition (from Ireland), the souls of the dead rise from the grave on the night of October 31st to November 1st.

Occult rituals of the druids, or Celtic priests, magicians and fortune tellers, report on summoning demons and evil spirits that take possession of people on this evening and cause mischief.

People at the time reacted to this diabolical activity in two ways:
  • Some people believed that if they dressed up as a devil's servant, the demons would pass them by. That's why people still dress up as zombies, skeletons, witches or other devilish figures on Halloween.
  • At that time, the Druids went from house to house to collect victims for the big festival; animal sacrifices and child sacrifices were common. The Druids even sometimes demanded a child sacrifice to their god of the dead, Samhain, to keep evil spirits away. Many of the selected families gave up their children out of fear and were then marked by the Druids with a hollowed out pumpkin containing a candle. If the family refused the child, the Druids smeared the door with blood, which meant a death sentence from their god Samhain for the entire family. They died that same night, which only fueled people's fears.
It was a brutal night full of fear. Later people started carving faces into pumpkins to trick the spirits into thinking that a damned soul already lived there.

The extortion of trick or treat comes from the rituals of the Druids, who called for a sacrifice or there would be a punishment.

The occult background

The dark background of the bright pumpkin heads is far too serious for me to laugh at. Halloween is not just a fashion of our event society, not just profiteering between summer offers and Christmas goods. The story behind this festival/the origin still has a power.

Festivals that have an occult origin had a very specific purpose, namely to open oneself up to the devil and his spirits. When we celebrate these festivals, we naively open ourselves up to the enemy.

The moment you sacrifice, a certain spiritual presence arises of the one to whom you are sacrificing (in the Christian sense today it would be worship: that's when you open yourself. In the occult sense you open a door to the devilish)

Today I'm trying to actually re-enact this: the spirits come and demand a sacrifice (sweets) and I try to appease them by not causing me any harm/joking.

Former Satanist

When I came across the life story of former Satanist John Ramirez, I was amazed at how strongly he warns against Halloween. As a former Santeria priest, he has dealt intensively with the spirit world and has had experiences from which he would like to protect others.

He strongly advises against celebrating Halloween. Not only because this festival is considered the highest holiday of Satanists and witches...

John Ramirez: “Before I became a Christian, I was a Satanist. As a Santeria priest, I had power over other people and was deeply involved in the occult and sorcery. I wish I could say it was all harmless fun. That there is nothing behind ghosts, demons and the devil. But I can't do that. I have had experiences with dark forces that I have to warn about.

That's why I can't pretend that Halloween is a harmless horror festival. Many people don't believe that the devil really exists. But unfortunately I had different experiences. Satan is real and his power is destructive. Among Satanists and witchcraft circles, Halloween is still the top holiday, a festival of terror and death. The devil's favorite festival.

It is a sad fact that this time of year is when most children go missing. The most common satanic occult ritual crimes take place during Halloween. And yet everyone acts as if Halloween was a fun, harmless dress-up festival.

The devil loves Halloween, I used to know that very well. Because people turn to him on this day in a completely naive and naive way. They playfully open themselves up to ghosts and demons. But you can't play with the dark forces. The fact that the devil trivializes himself is one of his greatest traps. Believe me, as a voodoo priest, Halloween was a spiritual highlight and I was totally into it. Pumpkins also have demonic meaning in the Santeria cult.

There is the demon Ochun, her symbol is the pumpkin. By the way, this demon is also called in the Bible: Jezebel. If you want to contact the spirit Ochun, you put up carved pumpkins. Believe me, I am glad that Jesus freed me from the demons that have tormented and attacked me for a long time. Through Jesus I found deep peace and became whole. I certainly don’t put up a symbol of invitation for demons, even for fun.”


Instead of simply forbidding the children to have Halloween or telling them how bad and evil this festival is, it is better to talk to them about the festival and practice how to deal with it in a meaningful way.

Reading Harry Potter or Halloween won't turn a child into a Satanist, but forbidden fruit tastes particularly good.

Today Halloween is celebrated in a fun way, no longer with the background. It's about fun, laughter, joy, sweets, community, dressing up, etc.

If I make fun of something, it doesn't change the impact at all. I open myself to the spiritual dimension. The power is still behind it. It doesn't matter whether I take it seriously or not.

And knowing the whole story just makes me think even more. How do I deal with this knowledge? Am I clarifying? Do I hide my fears and worries? Or are people too important to me that I just let them fall into this trap that I know what harm it can do?

Author: Melanie Kundt
Pictures: https://pixabay.com/de

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