Collision with serious injury

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Winter 1966. We were on our way home. It was already dark. The streets were without traffic, when suddenly a truck appeared. It blinked right, but did not move. We could not brake in time with our transporter. We crashed into the back of the truck. 

I crashed with full force with my stomach on the dashboard, which had a buckle. I could hardly breathe. For me as a little boy, the ride to the next hospital has been very scary, because I was struggling for air. 

The paramedics tried to reassure me. Immediately after arriving at the Hospital I was operated, because a ruptured liver of 8 centimeters has been found. In 1966 a ruptured liver of this size was almost a death sentence. The doctors were fighting for my life. I have been clinically dead. They tried to retrieve my life and they finally succeeded. 

That night my family came together for prayer. All shouted fervently to God for help. My mother rang a long time with God, she did not want to lose me. But at some point she gave up and surrendered her will unto God and said to him: "Here, if you wish, you can take my son." That must have been the Moment where the miracle began. After the operation I was brought into a separate tiled room, where I wrestled with death, but Jesus had chosen to bring me back to life. 

The Following 4 weeks I have been fixed to the bed, that means, I have been tied tightly to the hands and feet. If I had been moving myself, the wound would have been torn. 2 weeks I was not allowed to drink and 4 weeks I was forbidden to eat. I got a great number of syringes, I could not count. The doctors had put me in an artificial sleep most of the time. 

After 6 long weeks I finally was allowed to return home. All doctors confirmed that this was and is a miracle. Because a ruptured liver of this size normaly led to death. The medical professionist were surprised that I was without secondary symptoms after 6 weeks until this day. I am firmly convinced that God exists and can perform miracles! 

Author and accident victims: Thomas Waechter

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