Parable of the fourfold soil The four different floors can be viewed as a picture for our heart. God's Word is the seed that falls into our hearts. Parts fall on good soil, it grows and bears much fruit. Parts fall the hard way, and Satan steals it all straight away, as my heart has become hard and impenetrable in places because of men trampling on him. Parts fall onto stony ground where there is little depth and roots can hardly grow. There are stones in my life that prevent me from becoming spiritually mature and mature... without maturity, faith cannot withstand the storms of life. Parts fall under thorns, which can symbolize curses and bonds 1. The path Seeds cannot penetrate and grow on hard ground. There are areas in our hearts where there are hardenings. Through our experiences we make decisions and develop certain thought patterns, which in turn influence our decisions. It's like a network of trails. It is very difficult to take new paths and these p...