Speaking in tongues

Deutsch English There are topics where we sometimes have the wrong theology. Unfortunately, our theology also shapes our experiences and vice versa. I would like to look at a topic with you today where I have the feeling that if we don't hear sound teaching about it, it doesn't strengthen us as a church or in our personal relationship with God, but rather hinders us. Today I will be talking about the topic of speaking in tongues/praying in tongues. There are many different perspectives on this topic. I'm not saying that my point of view is the only true and complete one. Although I have my theology and my experience, I always want to be ready to learn and understand more about it and to change my perspective if necessary. Some here may not be familiar with speaking in tongues or have no desire to do so. Others practice speaking in tongues very intensively. So there is a wide range between the individual groups. And I think there are others who would fit right in betwe...